Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vintage Details

My camera's still broken (if you don't know by now) so I borrowed my friend's camera and took a picture of a (most likely) vintage watch I dug out of my parents' old stuff-storage-place-thingy. Unfortunately, the band is breaking apart. I may need to cover it with duct tape...ooh. Lightbulb!

Anyways, here are the images.

And a few other images to keep you guys amused until I replace my camera (hopefully)

Checkered Converse and striped knee-highs

A band I made on my own, found a blank sky-blue band in my box of art supplies and used pink puffy paint and rhinestones to decorate it. Don't usually wear these kind of things, but, I made it, so whatever.

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog! Glad I found it!

    check out mine? I'm a photographer

    you should follow it too! Thanks :)
